With the end of the 6 week holidays in sight its around now that most parents start to think about getting everything organised and buying those back to school essentials.
The boys were recently sent an awesome Despicable Me 3 Back to School bundle.
The boys all love the Minions and are desperate to see the new Despicable Me film so when they saw all these goodies they literally jumped for joy.
First up is this rather grumpy Posh Paws Jail Minion Tim..
Ru quickly swiped this for himself before the others could even say they wanted it.
He's super soft and his googles are hard plastic, so they stand out nicely!
He's perfect to cuddling up to after a long day at school / nursery.
You can buy him over on amazon for £12.11
Something that I'm always wishing I had handy but never do are tissues....
With all these I think I will be good all through winter!
16 packs on handy Minion tissues,
These will be great to keep a pack in each of the boys school bags plus some in my handbag,
1 box of 60 Minion tissues which ill probably keep in the van,
a pack of handy wet wipes - perfect for Ru as he's always touching things that make him filthy
and a pack of Minion plasters - I know these won't last long because as soon as there are plasters in the house the boys always seem to find invisable/teeny tiny cuts all over their bodies that demand plasters straight away.
Some cool Despicable Me 3 goodies,
A light up fan with candy,
a water gun filled with candy,
a digital watch,
and a handy I Didn't Do It torch.
The twins haven't actually realised they can eat the candy thats inside yet, I'm waiting to see how long it takes them.
The fan is great at keeping them cool after they've been zooming around the garden on their bikes and Alex loves pretending to shoot everyone with the gun.
You can get a fan pack of two from amazon for £13.31
Noah's been after a watch for a while so was more than pleased when he saw this Minion one.
He's a bit rubbish when telling the time so hopefully now it won't take him long to actually get the hang of it.
Ru took the torch, I thought it would need batteries but it actually comes with them so you can use it as soon as you open it.
The watch is currently on sale for £7.95 on amazon.
Next in the bundle was some very cool school gear..
A brand new Despicable Me 3 back pack that was filled with an a4 ring binder, a note pad, a pen and a mini pencil case.
Alex has decided he wants the bag and Noah got the rest.
He'll use the stationery more than the twins and now being in year 5 he'll have to take more of his own stuff into school.
The only place I can find this to buy is over on eBay for £10.95 plus postage.
Next up is this awesome snack cup ....
The boys have seen these being reviewed by some of their favourite YouTubers and were amazed that they now had one.

Now I can put his little snacks in his cup and the dog will never be able to take it (unless Ru gives it to him, which he usually does.)
You can find a similar cup on here .
Last term we bought Noah a swimming bag that was absolutely useless and ridiculously hard to carry as the straps kept breaking, so when Noah got this out the box he was insistent that it would be his new swimming bag.
It would also make a pretty decent PE bag too.
Last but not least, I Didn't Do It Lunch bag & cup.
The twins get free school meals but we pay for Noah to have school dinner which he always complains about and says that he absolutely hates them
I've always been a meanie and said no to doing packed lunches as I'm lazy and hate making them but now seeing as Rupert will be at nursery full time and has to have a packed lunch I've said I would do it for Noah too.
Which made him do a happy dance and then demand I do him ham baguettes everyday....seriously now do you see why I hate packed lunches?!?
So this Minion lunch bag will be great for him to take it.
It's big enough to get a decent amount of food in, and the handy drinks pouch is great to keep his water bottle together...as he's the sort of child that would lose it as soon as he stepped inside the school gates if it isn't attached to something.
Have you got any Despicable Me 3 back to school goodies, if so let me know in the comments below.
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