
Wednesday 4 February 2015

Wednesday fun day!

Today I took the twins and Ru for their first YoSushi experience!

They were thrilled with their bento boxes and even used the kiddie chopsticks 

They loved seeing all the exciting looking bowls go round and round.

Even little Ru enjoyed a maki roll or two 

After we had enjoyed our lunch, I went and treated my self to some lovely Lush goodies, I also bought a bath bombs for Jon's  mum and the boys and I also got some beard and face wash for Jon.

Along with this great bag 

Just before we left I popped into paperchase (as they do such nice cards) to buy my mum a Mother's Day card and whilst in the queue I picked up two lovely postcards that I'm going to get framed for the new house as they as just so cute! 

I let the boys loose on the school run they of course went nuts but on the walk back down the alley way they walked very nicely with one of Noahs best friends 

Hope you all had a lovely day x

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