
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Half term fun ...,

Yesterday me and my friend Jenny took the boys to a park that We used to both go to as a children.

(I've known Jenny years and years, since we both started secondary school) 

It has a nice big playground, a big duck pond and the most friendliest squirrels!
The parking was free....
The fun was free....
Couldn't ask for more really!

After we had been to the park we went for lunch at a chiquitos restaurant, where we all had a lovely meal and all the boys had a mock tail called rainbow and dreams ..... It looked so nice I was tempted to have one myself!!!

On the drive back to Nana and Gramps's I decided to take them to a local park so they could run off all their extra energy that the mock tail had given them.

They ran around like crazy and Ru had his first swing experience.

Once home they were all well and truly tired....which is always a sign of a great day! 

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